Review by: Lukeozade100

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Avg Rating: 4.8
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Written by Jason Aaron
Pencilled by R.M. Guera
Inked by R.M. Guera
Colored by Giulia Brusco
Cover by Jock

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

So I read this once and I really wasn’t sure how I felt, I like writing reviews and I just couldn’t pull together any thoughts to stick down here, then it got potw and reading someone elses opinions helped. Then this afternoon I settled down and read it again, and I don’t know if i maybe skimmed it a bit the first time, or if I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, or i’m easily swayed in my opinions by others but this was fucking good right. (And if your reading a review for scalped and mind the swearing, scalped isn’t the comic for you, stop reading this review right now, it’s pointless.)

Everything’s coming to an end here, penultimate issue and all and I felt perhaps in the previous issues that when some of the things happened, when Dashiel finally finished his job, or thought he’d finished his job the ending seemed a little rushed, there were maybe more stories to fill, but now sixty issues seems perfect, this issue tonally and storywise seems perfect.

And the ending, dependent on what happens next issue, almost certainly the only way it could really have gone and not seemed like a cop out.

I can understand how this has perhaps only a cult following and in an industry that’s pretty cultish anyway that may seem a bad thing but this whole story clearly isn’t going to have a laugh a panel, and the topics dealt with aren’t going to be brushed over easily, it may be a comic, but it seems pretty real (the series that is, this issue is full on comic bookness as the potw review said). This could easily be a Boardwalk Empire type tv show, and that is not what comics are generally about, but recently comics seem to just be about good storytelling for me rather than some guy running around in his tights and the main point I want to get across, is this comic is good storytelling. And fuck it, that’s what I want.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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