Review by: changingshades

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Size: pages
Price: 3.50

I always feel like I’m saying the same thing when I review Savage

It isn’t that it doesn’t have peaks and valleys, but it just
always feels the same. This issue had no actual Dragon in it and it
didn’t feel any different.

I like the way Larsen tells a story. I think his art gets better with each issue, and you can really tell he has fun with the concept.

really seems to understand how kids think and talk. This series has
been very methodically maturing all of it’s characters since it
started. I like that the baby introduced in one of the early miniseries
is now almost fourteen since the book has been around 15 or so years. I
like that Dragon’s son has electric powers like his mom.

Really, the
only issue I had with this was how it really felt like it read in 5
minutes, but that may be my excitement for the book than anything else.

This issue was one of the many you can tell pretty much what happens in the story by the cover.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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