Review by: MattD

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Story by Alex Link & Riley Rossmo
Art by Riley Rossmo
Cover by Riley Rossmo

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.50

I love Rebel Blood, and while I am still a huge fan of this issue, it felt a bit less inventive than the first two. More of a straightforward zombie survival narrative. Of course, Riley Rossmo was still drawing it, so it was one of the best-looking zombie survival narratives ever. The pack of rabbits charging through the broken window was my personal favorite, but things like Chuck stomping on a fetus or dragging a guy on the back of a tow truck were badass and unnerving and delightful as well. And the story, while perhaps more direct than it has been, was no less impressive. Alex Link has built an understandable, likable hero in Chuck, and it makes sense that he would try to save Red, his only real friend in this fight so far. It also makes sense that his rescue attempt would fail, because when he finally does make it back to his family (which is his endgame), we want him to be alone, to either save them or lose them himself. So I deeply enjoyed everything that actually happened in this issue, even if it was somewhat more by-the-numbers than I’ve come to expect. With only the finale left to read, I’m hoping Rebel Blood was at least one or two tricks left up its storytelling sleeve, because as a series, its primed right now to be one of the best of the year.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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