Review by: akamuu

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Writer: Patrick Storck
Artist: Amy Mebberson
Cover: Mouse Guard's David Peterson

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

I’m usually one of the first people to review comics on iFanboy or any other site, but when I came home from the store tonight, I found the following review sitting on my desk in front of the computer.  Also, my stuffed Fozzy was missing an eye.

While I can’t say I fully agree with the review (I believe Mr. Eagle simply didn’t understand most of the puns and pop culture references), I felt it was left on my desk for a reason, and that if I didn’t share it with the iFanbase, Fozzy might not be the only person sleeping in my room in need of a visor and a key to Xavier’s Mansion

From The Blog Of Sam The Goddamned Eagle:

Roger Langridge’s Muppet Show comic series is entirely inappropriate for children.  Each page is brimming with freaks and weirdos making puns and pop culture jokes that speak to the lowest common denominator: one.

I’ve stayed away from the spin-off series because Peter Pan, Snow White, and Robin Hood are all stories for girls and little boys who grow up to dress as little girls.  There’s a reason the little boy who doesn’t want to grow up is usually played by a woman (and none could hold a Roman candle to everyone’s favorite glass-eyed beauty).  And Snow White is scandalously infamous for encouraging impressionable young princesses to run away from home and take up with seven freaky weirdos with odd names.  Not to mention it discourages children from eating fruit.  Shameful!  Robin Hood, of course, is dangerously communist, and in the age of our socialist President, Barack Obama, it is irresponsible to encourage kids to try and redistribute wealth.

Now Sherlock Holmes was a man’s character.  He worked with deduction and clues and a pipe and a goddamned manly hat.  None of them frou-frou tights for anyone in Mr. Conan Doyle’s adventures.  Bloodthirsty hounds, fear-inducing valleys.  That’s what I like.  I also, as a proud American, was overjoyed to see that Patrick Storck saw fit to feature the only Muppets worth admiring, Wayne and Wanda.  Too long have they been ignored in favor of that mincing ninny, Kermit.

I also appreciate that Mr. Storck did not try and stretch this story out to four issues, he kept it to just the facts with only the occasional pun and all the pop culture references are from safer times.  Citizen Kane being much more appropriate for children than Citizen Kanye.

Ms. Mebberson’s art was a little too bright and fun for my tastes.  I believe children should be exposed to a more stark art style such as Petersen’s finely detailed cover.

The one vast oversight in this comic is that it stars that purple weirdo, Gonzo, and not a certain muppet of character who need not be named.  But who, shall we say, can be found on the back of a quarter before the U.S. Mint decided to disgrace the noblest of all American currency by adding “collectible” variant images.  Variant images being the death knell of any industry.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Awesome!

    How’d you embed a pic like that?

  2. Props!  Great review.

  3. Hilarious review.  Totally wasn’t expecting it and wondered why this comic had such a high percentage of POTW.

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