Review by: patio
WRITER: Brian Reed
PENCILS: Sana Takeda
COLORED BY: Sana Takeda
LETTERED BY: Dave Sharpe
COVER BY: Sana Takeda

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

FREE at last! Free at Last! THanks God A’mighty, I am free of Ms. marvel at last.

My subscription to this title ran out with this issue. I had long been anticipating this. I will not be renewing and I will NOT be picking up issue #50, even though I have all the other 49 issues. This is my line. I will not cross it.

I didn’t cancel my Marvel subscription to this title, even though it’s been going downhill for the past year. I thought about it many a time, but I kept trying to have faith. The series had been good for the first 25-30 issues, and it was going through a rough patch. Well that patch never ironed out. It’s just been one mess after another, beginning I suppose with the Civil War storyline. That was certainly the tipping point. But things didn’t totally fall apart until the Death of Ms. Marvel story. That was the equivalent of the Clone Saga in terms of a drop in quality, sense, and storytelling.

This current arc has just extenuated the lackluster story, the unenthusiastic characterization, the all-flash, no-substance art. So, so long Ms. Marvel. It’s been good to know you, but you stayed too long, and no I won’t be walking you to the door.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 2 - Average

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