Review by: gregroyj42

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Avg Rating: 4.2
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Story by Jim McCann
Art by Sami Basri

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Just finished reading this and WOW!! This left my heart pounding my hands sweaty and me slightly out of breath. Just so you know I’m not that out of shape either. Starting with the story has been a perfectly weaved mystery, suspense, drama love story all rolled together and yes that’s a good thing. The love just to let you know is not a crappy cw tv show, but it shows how a friend, boyfriend, brother, and parents love in completely different ways, not all healthy, but equally emotional. Now onto the art every face, posture, gesture, and prop are used to tell the story and is dripping with emotion in this issue I was struck by the way the eyes were drawn you can tell what each character is thinking and feeling just by the eyes. The coloring adds the emotion by having either dark ominous feeling light cheery feeling or just a kind of empty impression. If you want to read a comic that makes you feel something pick this up you may need to start with eleven but do it.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent

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