Review by: akamuu

Size: pages
Price: 3.50

The story opens with Madman finding himself in a the middle of a desert of snow-like substance with no tracks of any kind indicating how he got there, and no real landmarks to help him determine where to go.  This is a great metaphor for how I feel every time I read an issue of Madman.  And that’s not intended as an insult.

It’s been a while since I’ve not enjoyed an issue of the series.  The art is always Allredelcious, and the story always leaves me wanting more.  This comic was no exception.

Given that this isn’t an on-time monthly title right now, I also really appreciate that each issue is self-contained.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. This was my first issue.  I picked it up because the cover caught my eye, and the art inside was simply fantastic.  I really enjoyed the story, and even though i don’t know much about the characters, it was a really fun read.  Good stuff all around.

  2. Allred kills it almost every issue.  If you get a chance to pick up any of the Madman trades, do it.

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