Review by: bhannaoh

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Avg Rating: 4.0
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Story by Lee David Zlotoff & Tony Lee
Art by Will Sliney
Cover by Andie Tong

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.50

Why not its only my childhood!?!

I normally wouldn’t of given this book a try in fear that it would ruin a childhood hero of mine. The Light Week post quelled that fear pointing out that the show creator was on co-writing duties, plus it was actually a light week for me.

The result a massively fun read it totally felt like a episode of Macgyver. Right down to Mac’s inner monologue(in my head it was just Richard Dean Anderson talking)and being friendly with the baddie classic Mac. I’m totally on board for this mini.

I have tiniest of complaints I felt like in couple of panels they were over explaining things. Did anyone else feel that way? Regardless, there pros they’ll figure it out. Welcome back Mac!

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I didn’t really have too much knowledge of MacGyver just the basics. It was just a tad confusing, but I thought it was very accessible. The letter on the back of the cover…just looked like nonsense so I almost didn’t read it. If I didn’t I probably would have been a bit more confused. It’s kinda a different feel for a comic or what I’m normally reading. I appreciated the change of pace.

    Also, good review 🙂

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