Review by: kingpinII

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Story by Mark Millar
Art by Frank Quitely
Cover by Frank Quitely

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Hmmm. Gotta say, this was kind of disappointing.

Maybe by issue 5 or 6 some of the little feeder elements in this book will come full circle and turn this into the spectacle is was supposed to be.

But, geez, with the exception of one of the people in this story, all the rest of the people are, how can I say this eloquently: ‘stupid’?

Certainly, we all have better things to do with our spare time than listen to diatribe from real or fictitious people who are 1. old ignorant and/or 2. young aimless. None of them — even the big, hero’y types, are no more than cardboard simpletons and opportunists.

I made room for this book on my bookshelf long before the first issue came out because I’ve come to like Millar’s Marvel/Ultimate works.

Millar’s reputation was built at Marvel. And Marvel, I believe, had really done something to help reign in some of his Hollywood, and get him busting right into the meat and potatoes of his works.

I generally understand going in, however, that most of his independent stuff starts rolling like most movies do: melodramatic ‘wash’ before ‘rinse’… and subsequent ‘tumble dry’.

So, I will expect some further plot redemptions that will fulfill this investment.

Quitely’s art, as a result, can’t reach beyond ‘workman-like’, because the story hasn’t given him a much material to work with… yet?

That 4 that I’m giving Quitely’s only slightly more than the 3 I’m giving Millar. I need to give Quitely a 4 to nudge my overall optimism 4 — only because I anticipate (hope?) the story will meet expectations over the next few issues.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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