Review by: dukealoops

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Avg Rating: 4.8
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Price: 3.99

I don’t usually read Jonah Hex but when it heard Darwyn Cooke was on art i jumped on it. I’ve heard this series was great and this issue prove it. The writers put together a great story to do along the beautiful art. Cooke is one of my favorite artist and writers hands down and i just wisk he would do more at DC but that much greatness would probably leave brain dead from the greatness. Back to the wrier i never read anything close to a western but after this iI will defintely buy the trades of this series, That’s all I have to say on this great issue  

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1.  Darwyn being on it was the only reason I bought it as well.Can’t wait to get it!Met him and his wife at the show in Montreal,they were really nice down to earth people.



  2. These were my thoughts exactly.

    I’ve always been a fan of Jonah, but only from afar. But today, well I’mma start saving up to get as many trades as I can, and you can bet I won’t forget the name of Justin Gray.

    But Palmiotti, this does not make up for Secret Six. Nothing will ever make up for that abomination… It was worse than Ultimate Warrior, or the Doom Comic.

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