Review by: lukerpher

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WRITER: Ed Brubaker
PENCILS: Sean Phillips
COVER BY: Sean Phillips

Size: pages
Price: 3.50

Captions: Brubaker writes the
best captions in the business hands down, no one else comes close.
Brubaker’s captions have a way of letting you into a character’s
head(even though they are more narrations than internal monologues)
Captions in comics have become so overused I used to cringe when I saw
them, and I still do most times, unless it’s Brubaker’s.

At this point it goes without saying that Sean Phillips’ art is
fantastic. Phillips captures the over the top, yet murky world of
Incognito to perfection.

Creative Team:
With apologies to Bendis/Maleev, Brubaker and Phillips are the best
creative team in comics. If you’re just becoming aware of this dynamic
duo, do yourself a favor and run your comic shop and pick up Criminal
and Sleeper. It’s some of the best stuff I’ve ever read.

Creative Storytelling
Brubaker and Phillips throw some unconventional panels at us. I’m
always a big fan of this approach, it always stands out when done well.
You can just tell that these two are becoming more and more comfortable
with each other with each issue.

Mundane Life: One thing the Incognito does so well is to capture the mundane, and then contrast it to life with superpowers.

What you won’t

All Star Bru/Phillips: If you read my reviews you’ll notice the term All star
thrown around. What I mean by this is that a highly successful group of
individuals gets together and makes a movie,book,comic etc.. Of course
the star power draws you in much like an all star game. However if
you’ve seen an All star game you’ll understand that they generally
disappoint. They are fun outings that in the end really don’t mean much.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Incognito is a disappointment. But
it definitely lacks the same punch as Sleeper and Criminal.

Time Shifting:
Every time I got into the story, the narration would stop and say I’ll
tell you more about this later. It was an annoying tactic that was used
twice and completely took me out of the moment.

Too much exposition:
I know this was a first issue, but this was very exposition heavy.
There were about two pages too many of recapping. To some degree this is
understandable because this is a creator owned book and who knows how
many people are jumping on, but it was still too much for my taste.

Bottom Line:
Though it is a slight disappointment, Incoginito is a good comic. Even
more important Brubaker has laid the foundation for a story that’s sure
to enthrall.

Grade: B

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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