Review by: Aerodynamics

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Avg Rating: 3.9
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average


  1. Wow. Harsh review for what I thought was a pretty entertaining issue. I thought there was a lot more going on in this issue. Sure, there was a lot of setup for future plot lines, but that’s fine by me. The late night stories continue to give the book a nice anthology feel. I felt like this was a solid "chapter" in the story. I also think Rolston’s art was spot on.

  2. Don’t get me wrong–I really enjoy the format. I just think it comes with certain inherent challanges. For my money, issues 2 & 3 did the best job having meaningful stories that were well integrated into the overall narrative. This isssue just felt like it was treading water a bit.

    I’ll give Rolston credit for the bizarre juxtaposition of dismemberments with cute cartoon antics (like the familiar in two sets of rollerblades for example). That was amusing.

    I suppose I was a bit harsh, but that’s partly to do with how excellent the first few issues were. Each one left me feeling envigorated and thoroughly enthusiastic for the next. This one … not so much. Although I am dying to see what happens after that last page …

  3. I’ve not read the issue, having given up after the disappointing firs two issues – the main stories were rambling, the shorts just random – but I don’t see how this review could be termed harsh. It wasn’t ‘this book sucks’ so much as ‘this is where I feel the book isn’t working’. It was a nicely argued piece, nice one Aero.

  4. Thanks, Mart.

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