Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Francesco Biagini

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Learning to say no is a good managerial trait. In this issue, i will say NO to the whole series. The concept of this comic book is creatively laid and the pace at which you read this book is surprisingly fast and swift. Mr. Humphries manages to mix some of the familiar tropes in science fiction and produce, at the very least, a fun, action-filled story. Sadly, i lost interest with this second issue as it basically just showed us where our protagonists are. And that’s it. They’re in a journey but we dont find out where they want to go, what goal they are aiming for, nor showed any interest grabbing turn of events or twist to keep me coming back for next week. This may warrant a revisit on the trades but for now i will say NO.

The art by Mr. Biagini is sub-par for my taste. Some panels did not work well for me such as that panels-on-the-wall layout which only served as a distraction for me. A number of panel breaks also merely served to highlight action dynamism but did not help the story it’s trying to promote. (why would you make such a big deal out of a doctor that pulls out a gun at our protagonist?)

Quality Control: Needs Improvement.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average

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