Review by: Lewis

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Price: 2.99

Ah Hell Boy how I love thee. Maybe it Mike Mignola that I love. But pretty much anytime he puts pen to paper I’m in.

Hell Boy is one of those characters that truly has its own voice. No matter what the situation, not matter what he’s doing, he’s Hell Boy.

In The Wild Hunt, Hell Boy really is who he is.

He’s wiseassey (gotta love a demon smokin a cigar), funny and not quite full of Pathos, but its there.

This story continues where we left off and ties together a bunch of strings from earlier issues.

Hell Boy is back in England and invited to join “The Wild Hunt” to track down a horde of newly risen giants. Who wouldn’t like that. Hell Boy fighting a bunch of Giants along side a group of English knights and aristocrats.

The story is solid and the art is, as it always is in a Hell Boy book, truly art.

The twist at the end was slightly telegraphed, but I can’t wait for the next issue.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. See, the nice thing about your review, as opposed to TNC, is that it’s short and concise.  Less reading from my eye balls.*

    *Yes, I know this is weird coming from the guy who writes opuses when he reviews things.  But I just like giving TNC some shit.

  2. Thanks Neb.  I like writing reviews, and think I do a decent job.  Then I read TNC’s stuff and realize I’m only an average writer.  Its why I read comic books and don’t write ’em.


    Mignola is gifted and reading his stuff is a pleasure.  


    It’s funny, I started reading tights and capes books, and while I still love ’em, I’ve progressed far beyond Batman, Superman, Cap. and Thor.

    I get a lot more from books like Hell Boy, DMZ, Scalped and others that have some more depth to them. 

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