Review by: akamuu
Story by: Joe Casey
Art By: Nathan Fox

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Last month’s issue drew me in with its cringe-inducing cover, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I found this cover cringey in a very different way. It looked hastily drawn and poorly fleshed out as opposed to the last cover which seemed deliberately provocative.

While I enjoy the way Fox draws people, and think he does a great job with background, I just don’t like the way he draws fire or snow, both of which are key components to this issue. I couldn’t even tell that the fire was supposed to be a villain made of flames until I went back and re-examined the first panel the villain showed up in.

Also, in stark contrast with the last issue this was not new reader friendly. Nor did it in inspire me to seek out back issues.

It looks like I’m hopping off the Haunt train as quickly and with as much enthusiasm, as I hopped on in the last issue.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good


  1. I’ve been disappointed with the direction of this book since Kirkman left. The story and art just don’t do it for me and I hated the way Casey writes Daniel and his brother.

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