Review by: Sammy

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

This wasn’t on my pull list and I wasn’t really aware it was coming out so looked through it at my LCS surprised. Glad I did because I forgot just how much I enjoy Templesmith’s art. I hadn’t heard of the writer but I thought that with so many superhero comics being read by me and the general public each month along with the rise of noir themed books that have slipped into my pull list then a story about aliens would be something a little different.


It wasn’t that different. I would say that the story was average. Sure there were moments of pure awesomeness, mainly from the non human cast members but overall this fell to some terrible stereotypes. One of these awful plot points made me think back to the very early Southpark episode where Cartman gets probed. Enough said. However the art is strong, like really strong and suits the story and theme of the book. Templesmith has done some great work; Fell could be one of the best series I read and this makes me want to go back and just devour any book the guy has drawn. His style may not work on a superhero book but boy that would be interesting, again im not sure the big two would pull him but I would love to see it.


This issue was good. It introduced you to some characters and was very much a building block. It could have benefited from a few more pages, maybe an extra sized double first issue but my interest is there so ill have a look and make my second decision with issue 2.


For now I would recommend that anyone interested in Templesmith should read this and anyone looking for an alien story (not necessarily genre defining) but an alien story in comic form should pick this up.


Overall good stuff.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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