Review by: deepfriedstache

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Story by Justin Jordan
Art by Brad Walker & Andrew Hennessy
Cover by Rafael Albuquerque & Rags Morales

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

So, I’ve been a big Lantern fan since Rebirth, probably a lot of people in that same boat. I loved Geoff’s run through thick and thin, and overall I’d say it’s one the great runs of all time. So when the idea of a whole new roster of creators hopping on the books came along, I was nervous and excited. I hadn’t read GLC since Blackest Night finished, and I never read an issue of New Guardians, I don’t know why, but it seemed unimportant. I was excited to think that maybe DC would pull a bit of the magic that Marvel is doing right now and throw some really unexpected but awesome creators at the books. I dreamed of Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart on the main title! Of Lemire and Foreman on GLC and Fabio Moon And Ba on New Guardians! I know that’s a super out there dream, but my goodness it would be glorius! But when the announcements for the new teams came out, they felt like such a safe, boring, standard DC decision to me. Like they didn’t even give it much thought and kinda threw people on there. But I must say I’ve been pleasantly surprised thus far. I think the thing that is sticking out to me is that the fun has returned in the 3 new #21’s. My favorite GLC story is Dave Gibbons GLC: Recharge. It was so much dang fun, and had this great Star Wars-y feel to it. That, to me, is what Green Lantern should be. Fun space-cop stories with crazy space sharks is awesome! And we’ve gone for so long with building up everything to the next overly epic crossover story line, it’s nice to relax and have some fun! I hope this continues and doesn’t fall in to the trap of having the quarterly big epic story, or even long drawn out stories. Have some done in one awesomeness like Fraction’s Hawkeye! Give me the fun little stories that make me love the characters even more! I really dug this issue, though I will understand why some people wouldn’t, but overall, fun, and fun is good. And my goodness, look at that cover from Albuquerque! Gorgeous!

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good

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