Review by: Jackw

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Avg Rating: 4.5
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Price: 2.99

Five issues in and still going strong, GA/BC is one of my favorite DC books right now. Winnick has struck with a great emotionally charged story, and while we have a fill-in this issue the art remains fairly consistent. Green Arrow and Black Canary are two characters that deserve a book this good, my only fear right now is that its sales aren’t going to be strong enough to last.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 3 - Good


  1. If you want to make sure sales stay strong, you’re doing the right thing.  You’re buying the book, and then going on the internet to tell the world that it’s a great book.  Other than that, what happens will happen.

  2. You could also buy multiple copies and distribute them free on the street corner like Watchtower or literature about how 9/11 was faked.  If we all hand out a couple of thousand of these on a urban street corner and I’m sure DC will keep the book going.  The Fanboy Nation will also end up homeless as we all are unable to pay for our rents / mortgages.

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