What did the
community think?
Art by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Rob Leigh
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino & Marcelo Maiolo
Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99
I have not seen a Green Arrow story line this strong since the Green Arrow Year One by Andy Diggle. Jeff Lemire transcends the ill fate this book once had out of the gate during the first year of the New 52. Mr. Lemire understands character and inner turmoil which allows readers to connect not only to the stiry but to the main character and the supporting characters. if your main character is judged by the company they keep, then Green Arrow is asture and mysterious, Mr. Lemire has woven a tapastry that this caharacter has needed for sometime. I look forward to more.
Art: 4 - Very Good
I was going to review this, but you said everything I was going to!
When I remember the heinous state this book was in a year ago, the current run is nothing less than a revelation. It’s taut story telling with some stunning art choices thatI haven’t seen in over 20 years of comics reading. Simply stunning.
Such strong book deserves my POTW award!
Thanks, it’s good to see DC is giving Oliver his due.
I agree with you too, last year this book could not find it’s footing, the story telling and character was lost in the confusion.
Happy reading,