Review by: g0ofgnewt

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There is only two comics, in the copious ammounts of years since I have been reading this medium that have made me cry. For those reading Starman in Omnibus or those who have read it before, the first was during that run and now this.
Grant Morrison had me with Martian Manhunter when he made mention of the fact that Martian Manhunter was the most known Superhero in Australia (did I mention I’m from Canberra the capital city of Australia). So from this I have developed an affinity with this character (not to mention that I still hav ethe Super Powers figure). I have even written and drawn a few comics (for myself) depicting Martian Manhunter in Australia.
When Martian Manhunter died I felt that Australia kind of lost a hero as well as the DC universe. It sounds crass but that’s how I feel.
On to this issue, Peter Tomasi is a FANTASTIC writer, he is the junior Johns in my opinion. He understands the supporting characters, and this is what this issue is all about. That said I would have liked a little more Plastic Man and Kyle in this issue.
This is the best issue to read during the Final Crisis Arc.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I liked the Australia business too. And MM being a cat – why did his kitty friends not come to his funeral?


    They’re cold, cats.

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