Review by: Neb

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Avg Rating: 4.0
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Size: pages
Price: 3.99

When I walked into the comic shop this afternoon, I posed the question I normally ask the guys I see each and every week: “So what’s good this week?” One of the guys smiled brightly and placed this book in my hand. I flipped through it as he pitched the story to me, and while I wasn’t completely sold, I thought the art looked really fun and it was a packed $4 book, which is always nice to see. After finishing it, I can safely say that this was one great comic book.

Even though I don’t have much experience with any of these characters, this has a simple concept, and you immediately get the idea of just who each of these characters are. What this book does so well is that it captures the whimsy of an all ages title and peppers it with enough intelligence that it can be enjoyed by long time comic readers. This issue is composed of smaller stories, each of which focus on a member of the Fin Fang Four. Each of the light hearted stories is a blast to read, and there are some laugh out loud moments as these characters continue their efforts to be a part of normal society. What’s really nice is that each story is different from the last, whether it implements a different story telling device or even just a change in tone. This helps the book stay fresh as it transitions from story to story. Fin Fang Foom is a real treat to read as he has the bravado of Doom mixed with a warm gooey center filled with honor, and Googam is so hilarious in this book. This book had me grinning ear to ear.

I actually really enjoyed the art in the book. The style is reminiscent of Jack Kirby with it’s thick lines and squared figures, but it also has this cartoony element that gives the book it’s own unique style. I really enjoyed the look of the book, and you can notice subtle changes in the tone and composition of each story as the book progresses. It’s an elegant touch that really makes the book shine.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent

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