Review by: Retcon

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Avg Rating: 3.2
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Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Stuart Immonen & Wade Von Grawbadger
Cover by Steve McNiven, Stuart Immonen, Humberto Ramos & Ed McGuinness

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Matt Fraction’s fall from grace continues as this series limps to the finish line. Fraction’s Captain America comes off like a cross between Toby Keith and a WWE wrestler; a cacophony of gun-toting bluster and empty threats. Odin continues his role as the official pin cushion of The Avengers’ big three in this issue as Cap takes his turn screaming at the All-Father.
Meanwhile, the other heroes stand around looking equal parts angst-ridden and bored except for Thor who looks like he needs some warm milk and a nap. Who can blame him? This book is so wooden and devoid of life, that I’d have dropped it after the first couple of issues if not for the gorgeous art of Stuart Immonen. Remember how Morrison’s New X-Men run was marred by Igor Kordey’s horrid art? This series is the opposite, as Immonen’s vast talents are wasted alongside Fraction’s ham-fisted dialogue.
The four-year-old Retcon would love this series. Of course, the four-year-old Retcon couldn’t read.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I actually gave the Art a 4. The Story score is correct, however.

  2. It would be cool if Chris Burnham had some extra time and could go redraw all those New X-Men issues.

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