Review by: Creyes247

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Story by Alan Moore, Malcolm McLaren, & Antony Johnston
Art by Facundo Percio

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Alan Moore’s masterpiece that he’s been hiding all these years has finally been released! This story is different that’s for sure, but the awesome kind! It takes place in a grotesque looking city filled with busybodies everywhere and a building right in the middle with a neon sign that that illuminates the city at night. The city folk stress every day about a possible nuclear war, but that doesn’t seem to stop them from living life, we meet a few characters who all have different personalities, in fact might even conflict with one another. The art fits perfectly with this story, it highlights the mood throughout every page and we find that very impression.

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Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. That’s right, fantastic opening for this 10-issue-series. Leaves you curious for
    the ones to follow. Just wondering why it got so few pulls….it’s alan moore,
    ladies and gentlemen….hello?

  2. Did this just come out this week? I just saw issue 3 I think in Previews, but somehow the first few issues missed my radar. 80’s Moore, in my experience, has been pure gold. I gotta get my hands on this!

  3. Really love it so far. The characters are interesting, mysterious and truly unique.

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