Review by: changingshades

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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Size: pages
Price: 3.99


Why do this?

I’m not the hugest PKD fan, I’ve read DADoES, and found it a little bland and I have Valis sitting on my night stand waiting for me to start it and shed some light on Lost, but picking this issue up I really have to ask why? I enjoy adaptations of works of literature because, when it’s done well, it adds a unique twist to the story with it’s adaptation and we can see some pretty art.

Everything about this seems low rent. Having no writer come in and do anything to the story is just lazy, in my opinion. Some of you may say why try to improve on PKD? By that logic, why even make a comic when you can just go out and read the novel? This comic stinks of rampant cash grab to me. The art was fine, but I gave this a 1 star on here. I’m going to judge the writing by the amount of effort that was put into it as a comic, which is to say cut and paste.

I want to hear a valid justification for this, because I am honestly offended by this.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 3 - Good

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