Review by: DavidClark

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Avg Rating: 4.1
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Writer: Paul Jenkins
Artist: Carlos Magno

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Way more people would pull this book if they would just read it.

This is REALLY REALLY well-written book.

Jenkins could write 4 series based on the background tidbits. He’s got this entire world written down and sketched out…Second Force, The Rift–those are clearly cool stories..that have already happened. (I want to read those stories Jenkins!)

This and last issue have deepened the mystery of Omni-Engine. I seriously want to know what the f happened with him.

Favorite line of this issue.
Rat, to Sol Invictus, after strangling him with barbed wire:
“Metal Wire. Doesn’t believe in your destiny.”

I have no idea what the sales are like now, but my feeling is that this series will be “discovered” in trades after it ends.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Ya this series is good. I think that it wont get much support on this site though because of a disdain for Jenkins writing from the past (ive always thought he was a talented writer though.. but ive seen enough negative comments about him and the Sentry on here that I think people dont want to be associated as fans of Jenkins). The other angle is the simplistic title. It was called “deathmatch” just to make it easy to advertise without much explanation but some people will just not buy it based on the title alone. I on the other hand read things before i make judgements. The first issue was better than most Marvel and DC books so i stayed on board. Im hoping it continues for as long as possible.

    • Interesting perspective about the disdain. Well, that’s too bad because this is a quality book. And either now, or probably later, due to the input of LCS , it will finally get it’s due readership.

      I for one am ready to read Jenkins’ next project at BOOM.

    • It seems like every writer (or artist) picks up haters over time. Jenkins has done some great stuff, like the Inhumans. I thought the Sentry was pretty good, but it seemed to be a bit overdone and overdrawn. But some stuff he did has been dull, like the Deadman story he did at the start of the New 52.

      But he is kicking ass here! I know we would like to have more people reading this, to share our love, but we are lucky enough to get to enjoy this ourselves. And I really want the next issue right now!

    • Ya lets hope Deathmatch does well.

      Hey Dave did you ever see that Planet of the Apes TV show?

    • @ilovecomics Do you mean the 70’s TV show? If so, absolutely.

    • @BCDX97 AH! I didn’t realize Jenkins wrote that Deadman story from DCU Presents. I actually liked that–by that I mean I kept those copies and traded back the rest of that series. I mean it wasn’t great, but I thought I might read it again. I haven’t got to read his Inhumans (waiting!) nor the Sentry.

    • Ya that 70’s show was really good. Discovered it at a comic convention actually and loved it.

  2. I wanted to read this but since it’s less popular my LCS didn’t order enough. So I decided to trade-wait instead! 😉 I’m guessing many people will do the same.

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