Review by: TheNextChampion

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Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Paolo Rivera

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99


-This is such a huge sigh of relief for me because the last two issues of this book has been very underwhelming. I can safely say though this book is back up to the quality that made us love it in the first place. First up, Mark Waid continues to write the experiences of Matt Murdock losing all of his senses and this time it is interesting to read. I thought it was going to be a macguffin for a plot but here Waid goes inside how terrible losing all of your senses can be. That and I also like how Murdock gets himself out of this jam without resorting to ridiculous methods (such as time travel or any dues ex machina involving Doom).

-What made the last issue so underwhelming was Samnee’s art. I like Samnee but last issue it looked so rushed I was wondering if he was going to be the right fit for this book. Again, no worries here because this is Samnee’s ‘A’ game. Love the detail he puts into each pages like the various medical equipment or the gorgeous, Eastern European castle Doom owns. Also, great rain effects and radar senses by Samnee as well. This might not be Martin or Rivera level here with the art but getting used to Samnee I have to say he is starting to grow on me with this title. Finally, let’s not forget the colors by Javier Rodriguez. He’s done an amazing job with this title since the first issue and hopefully he gets a shot at another Eisner next year.


-One minor thing about this issue with the art is that HORRIBLE Iron Man design inside. Most artists at Marvel cannot draw this badly designed armor to begin with but clearly Samnee is one of the worst at drawing it. If there’s one thing I am looking forward too with Marvel NOW! is a new Iron Man design to get away from this mess.


-Daredevil is back to true form with this issue. Waid delivered one hell of a story with Murdock trying to get his senses back (literally) and escape Doom. The art by Samnee is also a huge improvement and I’m starting to see why he is a good fit for this series. Let’s hope from here on out the title is nothing but great and the last two issues was just a bump in the road.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Yes, the Iron Man was laughable…in fact, I laughed out loud when I saw it.

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