Review by: FACE

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good


  1. This book, combined with the Death of the New Gods should be retitle, how to make someone feel like an asshole for buying an entire series of books only to have NOTHING happen and feel like an entire year of waiting led to nothing.  Seriously?  This book was a god damned cock tease of nothingness.  Remember when they told us to look to the skies?  Well he was right, look to the skies cause they are more interesting than the WEAKLY shit DC is putting out.  The thing that pisses me off the most is that I got 7 issues into Death of the New Gods only to have the ending ruined in countdown 2 last week, and now I’m in the dillema of deciding to buy the last of an 8 part series in hopes of some big twist that we need to know, but no, no no no no no no….  I hate you today DC, 0 better be realllllllllly freaken good…

  2. as displeased as I was with the final few issues, I don’t feel my money was wasted, but I do feel a bit taken.  of course I’m a completionist, I love having the full run of the books I enjoy and this book was the top of my stack for a year, just like 52 was.  I’m not bitter, I got a cram course in the DCU this past year and I enjoyed it a great deal.  It just should have felt like something…you know, like happened, or something.

     Is that too much to ask?

    I’m still hooked, I’m still buying multiple copies of Final Crisis because I can’t wait to see those Flash kids die in the end!  Then I can buy the Flash again! 

  3. @Phrenemy – I respect that because atleast you can say something positive about it. But it wouldn’t make you any less of a person if you didn’t have 52 issues of a sub-par series sitting around your house gathering dust now.

    I think that we sometimes expect too much from a series, as if Superman’s going to die everytime there’s an event and it’s just not gonna happen. For DC it’s all about the sales. They’ll say whatever they want just to get you to go out and buy it. There was a time when Ford spoke highly of the Pinto too, and then they found out it was a fiery death trap anytime it was barely tapped in the rear-end. Now you never see Pintos anymore.  

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