Review by: Rabbit11

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Written by Jeff Lemire & Ray Fawkes
Art by Renato Guedes
Cover by Ivan Reis

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

The day has arrived at last. Time to crack the first issue of this book, the one chosen to replace Hellblazer, which was one of my all-time favorite books. A book which was consistently well written and drawn. A book which helped numerous talented folks cut their teeth in the world of comics. A book-okay, I’ll stop. Let me take a moment to compose myself. Right. Constantine.

You know what? I might just lose my membership in the Vertigo Diehards Fan Club for this, but Constantine is good. Let’s run the list: He smokes? Check. He doesn’t drive? Check. He wears the same ratty coat everywhere? Check. He’s one step ahead of everyone? Check. He sees magic as the ultimate con? Again, that would be a check. He has no qualms about using people and sacrificing them to achieve his aims? Big freaking check. The ingredients for this monthly spell are all present. Now let’s see just how potent it becomes.

It’s clear that Fawkes and Lemire know John and what makes him an enduring character. It’s also clear that Renato Guedes is an amazing artist. Every page is packed with detail, and many of the panels use extreme angles in such a way that it seems merely being in the presence of Constantine is disorienting and chaotic. And I mean that in the best possible way.

Give this one a try. Yes, I know. I miss Hellblazer too. Try it anyway.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I tried the first couple books of Hellblazer, a few with Delano and the first Ennis. I stopped when I couldn’t get the next one in line (Im a completionist, I hate gaps in stories). It wasn’t a bad comic, but when I stopped reading it I didn’t feel a void in my life. I really like “JLD” tho, so I’m definitely gonna check this book out and hopefully find a reason to add it to my pull file.

  2. Completely agree with you.

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