Review by: applyliberally

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Written by PAUL DINI
Art and cover by GUILLEM MARCH

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

Although admittedly this particular issue wouldn’t have been my pick of the week if it weren’t for one of the lightest weeks I’ve had in ages, Batman Streets of Gotham has been consistently been one of my favorite books since its launch. I am very into the Batman books right now, and I’m frankly just not looking forward to Bruce Wayne coming back, because I’m afraid of things going back to the way they were. Alongside Red Robin, I am most excited about the Batman books now, which is something coming from someone who pretty much drools over every Green Arrow related comic book at a time when Green Arrow is the big story.

Streets of Gotham #11 is the finale of a short story arc involving the rather gruesome villain Zsasz, a knife-wielding murder who leaves tally marks on his own body for each of his victims. In this case, the primary protagonist is Damien (Robin) with a friend in tow, as they battle Zsasz in a makeshift arena, mostly. It was fun and wrapped up the story well, though was certainly nothing earth-shattering to the continuity.

My favorite part of Streets, though, is the (usually) second feature of Kate Spencer/Manhunter. She has very quickly become one of my favorite characters, and I’ve been going back and picking up the trades of her book as a result of her Streets of Gotham feature alone. She is everything I love about comic book heroes, and this provides another fun piece. I really wish they’d give her her own book back.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I’m in no hurry to have Bruce Wayne comeback either, these Dick Grayson stories have been very good, even Tony Daniel’s run, but Morrison’s run on Batman and Dini on Detective were just as good so I’m down for more Bat-books either damn way. 

    Nice review, keep it up!!!

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