Review by: RecksDeud

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Story by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by John Romita Jr.
Cover by Alan Davis

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Pg. 11, panel 8:
LUKE CAGE: “I just needed something to HIT.”
MRS. LUKE CAGE: “I needed this to END.”
Truer words have never been spoken (at least not today they haven’t). After yet ANOTHER opening shot of big, clunky, well-armed, flying Nazi Rock-Em-Sock-Em Robots shooting the shit out of Washington in yet ANOTHER ‘Blitzkrieg USA’ splash page, I think we’ve finally reached the finish line at the end of the Race To Get The Hell Away From Fear Itself, at least here in Avengers (how many months DOES it take to shoot the shit out of Washington, anyway?). Now, I could be wrong about that, next month could feature another purple-or-green-ish banner across the top of its cover, but I get the impression from most of the tie-in books I’ve been reading that not a lot of these writers want to be involved in this event, and Bendis seems like no exception. The redeeming factor of this issue, as in all the previous tie-in issues of Avengers, are the interviews being conducted parallel to the main story. Without them, this title would only be another big battle book taking up space on the new release wall shelves, and while I’m not the biggest Bendis fan (I dare say he may be a bit…over rated…), his unique style has made this book more than just that.

As to JRJr’s art, it works. One scene in particular made me think, “Iron Wars III”, even if his work WAAAY back on Iron Wars 2 was (dare I say something possibly unpopular AGAIN?) better than his current output (hey, they really can’t all be zingers). He draws a hell of an ugly Spider-Woman, though. Maybe if Cover Hawkeye got a load of Interior Spider-Woman, he’d think twice before diving in to anything so soon. Speaking of which, was the cover meant to remind us of what was established two issues ago? How about reminding us by including it in the story? I’m just saying…

Next issue is going to offer us something we haven’t seen in a while, the Avengers being Assembled. Again. Can’t Cap just pick a team and stand by his decisions? And at the end of the issue, will he say something morose and/or curt, stand up and leave an empty chair in the panel? Again? Find out next month! Or don’t. I’m not gonna tell you how to spend your money.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Waitaminnit–“IRON Wars”? I meant ARMOR Wars. Actually, I meant Armor Wars III and Armor Wars 2, respectivly. Please forgive me. I have a sick 7-month old who had me up TIL 3 a.m. and up AT 6:30 a.m. this morning, so my brains isn’t workin’ too good right now.

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