Review by: TheNextChampion

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Story by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Cover by Ivan Reis & Joe Prado

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

If your life leads you with questions/
Seek advice from under the sea!/
Dear Aquaman, Dear Aquaman/
Please give your advice to me, Aquaman!

This title has hit its stride since ‘The Others’ arc began. Unlike a major hit TV show, I actually look forward to see more about ‘The Others’ and their history with the character. Since Geoff Johns has put more of an emphasis on action though, this book has been fun to read and gorgeous to look at. With its tenth issue, and I’m completely SHOCKED it has lasted this long, the story is no different here.

We get a bit of Black Manta’s origin in this and I was a bit surprised on how bad I felt for the guy. Yes his Father killed Arthur’s Dad, but he went really “overboard” (HA!) with hiding the evidence. I mean he literally tried ripping his face off with a hook! Aquaman may be a bit more unforgiving lately then other DC heroes but that is still pretty brutal. Most of the issue is Aquaman and Manta fighting on the streets but we do get another nice look into another ‘Other’. Johns has, so far, put a lot of interesting (and new) characters to Aquman’s life. I hope Johns has plans for these guys in the future and not be fodder for the end of the arc.

Let’s give it up for Ivan Reis, Joe Pardo, and Andy Lanning guys! Seriously, this has been one of the best looking (and most consistent) books since the relaunch for DC. There is a double page spread here that is to die for. It probably has the most realistic rain effect I’ve seen a comic book. Going back to Lanning though, this is the first time he has worked on the book as an inker. I guess Pardo couldn’t finish the issue on time and he had to fill in on a few pages. Apart from writing fun stories Lanning has been a professional inker for years. So his pages, which are noticeable against Pardo’s, look pretty damn good and he sometimes add more of a stylistic approach to the pages. I know he did the opening pages so it was a bit weird to notice a new inker on the book. But again it looks pretty good and maybe if Lanning has to do more issues in the future I wouldn’t mind if he took over for Pardo.

This is another fun and action packed issue of Aquaman. Who would have guess that after ten months this title would be considered one of the best since the relaunch? My interest in Geoff Johns comics have been rekindled with this series. While he has a big story in mind for this series he’s keeping it low key and adds interesting new characters for Aquaman. It also doesn’t hurt that he has, next to Batman and Batman & Robin, the best art team at the company with Reis and Pardo.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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