Review by: RipperSix

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Not being a DC reader, I don’t have much frame of reference for Action Comics #867. That said, Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s second episode of “Brainiac” is nothing less than brilliant. I’ll get my singular complaint out of the way first: No way an exploding sun takes out Superman. Sure, it’s powerful enough, but by the time the shockwave reaches the planet he’s on, he’s had more than enough time to get away. That is, unless he spent the whole time trying to get its inhabitants to safety and we just didn’t see that part, but I digress. It’s been said that Gary Frank is drawing Clark Kent and Lois Lane as they appeared in the Donner Superman movies. This is true, but it’s the combination of Johns and Frank that make such magic that you truly feel like you’re watching one of those films. I’m a huge fan of Frank from his old days on Incredible Hulk (good times), but I never thought I’d enjoy his work that much ever again. These two geniuses apply a fluid mix of humor, suspense, sentimentality, adventure, tenderness and science fiction action.  I had trouble figuring out my favorite part of this issue, but I settled on the priceless moment when Superman is using a mirror and his heat vision to shave. Now that I think about it, wouldn’t that only work with LASER vision, not HEAT vision? Still, this is easily my favorite book of the week, maybe even the month. For a die-hard Marvel Zombie who is pre-disposed to dislike a DC book, that’s obviously saying a LOT. I’m very curious to see how this story plays out, especially the reason why Superman is so special among all the Kryptonians Brainiac’s abducted and the possible role Braniac had to play in Krypton’s destruction.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent

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