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Story by Andy Diggle
Art by Tony S. Daniel & Batt
Cover by Tony S. Daniel

Size: 0 pages
Price: 4.99

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

I’ve been a Superman fan for a loooong time and this was the first issue of Action I’d read where I didn’t feel like buying the next issue was a duty to fulfill.

Was it the best Superman story ever? No. I’ll still gladly hand that title to All Star, but did it feel good to read it? Did it feel like a good Superman story in the making? Yes. Yes. And yes. A hundred times yes.

It felt fresh, and light, and on point and it wasn’t bogged down by fifth dimensional incoherence. I was in love with what I read, the kind of love you feel when you look across at someone from your seat on a train and they smile back at you. That momentary, pure kind of infatuation that you know will never come back because either one of you is about to arrive at their stop.

So pick this issue up. Read it, enjoy it. I hope, I HOPE that what comes next is still this good.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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