Pick of the Week

June 18, 2008 – Scalped #18

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Avg Rating: 4.5
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.7%
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

I would say I was three, maybe four pages into this when I knew it was going to be the Pick of the Week. Like people, there are certain books out there that you eventually just trust. Scalped as been engaging and entertaining every single issue for 18 in a row, so that when it starts up, and there’s a long look at a new character, and it’s interesting that quickly, I know, deep in my cynical, little mind, that I’m in for another ride. I know this because there has yet to be a bad issue, nay, there has yet to be a bad page in this series so far.

This story is moving very slowly, and in a traditional superhero book, that’s very often the kiss of death. Why do I feel the need to complain about Secret Invasion‘s slothian plot development, when Scalped has been on the same week for the better part of a year? I think the answer lies in ridiculously interesting characters. So far, the main guys we’ve gotten to know have been anti-hero, Dashiell Bad Horse, and conflicted villain (?) Lincoln Red Crow. This issue, we get a little more personal with reservation police officer Franklin Falls Down, and it has nothing to do with getting upset that Whammyburger won’t serve you breakfast two minutes after ten. We’ve met Falls Down in previous issues, but this one is all about him. Since Bad Horse won’t come out of denial long enough to deal with his mother’s death, this issue is about Falls Down, and his decision to step up to the plate, and find her killer. The story is about how he gets there, and where he’s been, and now that we’re finally past the last arc, we can move forward with things. Thus far, Falls Down is a really nice addition to the cast, and a very interesting contrast to the energy of the other characters. I always like an issue that explores a supporting character, while moving the plot forward at the same time. It’s a double play.

One thing I really like about Scalped is that the book has a different take on morality than most comic books. This should be fairly obvious, but the idea of right and wrong in this book doesn’t really conform to the way you traditionally measure it. Morality on the reservation is grey, as are the characters. Falls Down is feeling sorry for himself, and his grandmother tells him a story about how his grandfather went outside the law and killed a man, and that it was the right thing to do. This is not the morality being taught in Superman. This is something more raw, more urgent, more primal. That’s the wonderful thing about this book; you don’t know who you should be routing for. You don’t know who’s really bad, or really good. But at the same time, none of the main characters are 100% reprehensible. They’ve all got sides, and some of those sides are ugly, and some are redeemable, and they all live in a really horrible, entirely difficult world. Living in a world like that, I think you’d be surprised at the kinds of choices you’d make, and they would very likely fall outside of what most of us consider traditional morality.

Regular series artist R.M. Guéra is taking a break on this issue, and on fill-in duty is Davide Furno, an artist whom I’ve never heard of. Unlike previous guest artist, John Paul Leon, Furno’s style is based a little more on sketchy lines than his predecessors. While the specific closeups weren’t entirely to my taste in every panel, a broader view, looking at the figures and images as a whole, revealed very nicely rendered character work, which is obviously paramount for this book. The body language is all there when looking at Falls Down, and very often, I don’t need the words to tell how he’s feeling. At times, the art wanders slightly into the territory of a Jordi Bernet, of Jonah Hex, while still maintaining the right tone for this particular title. While I wouldn’t want Furno replacing Guerra, I can certainly think of worse ways to fill 22 pages.

In Scalped, in every single issue so far, we’ve seen quality, consistent character development, and masterful storytelling. This book is right up there with Fables and DMZ, as the best stuff Vertigo is putting out. Jason Aaron is making a name for himself doing other comics, but much like Brian Michael Bendis, and his work on Powers, this is where the love is. I’ve said it before, and I’m going to keep saying it, this is easily one of the best books on the stands, and if you’re not reading it, you’re doing yourself a hell of a disservice. I’m so glad I found this book, and I’m even more glad it hasn’t disappointed me for one second.

Josh Flanagan
That’s a writer with some demons in his head right there.


  1. HA!

    Points to Josh for the Falling Down reference. 


    the Tiki 

  2. I like to guess what book will be the pick depending on who is picking that week.  Knowing Josh was picking after reading this book there was no doubt it would be the pick.

    This issue was amazing.  Period.

    The panels where the blood were replaced with flowers was gorgeous and it’s so rare that you get to see something so beautiful in this book.  It was stunning and I can talk about it enough. 

  3. I’ve been reading this from issue one and it’s definitely the most gratifying and consistently amazing books I read.  If the book continues this trend it will end up being something really special.  

  4. All right, I give. Scalped is the next trade I’m buying.


  5. You’re damn right you will Diabhol!


    (I’m sorry…)

  6. Awesome pick Josh.  Like Criminal, this book rocks my socks off every single issue.  I love, love, love this book.  It’s one of my double dippers.  This particular issue was so excellent, and I really appreciate Aaron’s craft  in writing these books.  Even though not much has happened overall, the characters are moving and changing and sometimes that’s more important than event after event. 

  7. Couldn’t hit up the regular store today, but swung by a random one to pick up this and DMZ.  What a solid choice sir and a solid issue as usual

  8. Oh, excellent.  I just finished reading the second trade.  I’m glad to hear the quality keeps up, and I’ll be grabbing the new TPB as soon as it’s out.

  9. I went back and read all these… in issues and trades. As someone who has been reading comics my whole life, I can honestly say I’ve never read anything like this. Can’t wait to hear your discussion on the cast. 

  10. Okay, you sold me, I will start picking it up–@nroa, DMZ rocks–but should I start with floppies with this issue and then read the trades or get the trades and then read THEN read the floppies I will be picking up?

     oh, all right, I will pick up the trades and the floppy. You’ll get a report–"What Happens When You Follow the iFanboys’ Advice," I guess…

     great review, Josh! 


  11. This was the first regular issue I picked up now that I’ve gotten caught up on the back issues and I can’t thank you guys enough for talking this book up.  This is was more comics should be.

  12. This is one of those series that I’m proud I’ve been reading since issue 1.

    I’m curious. Have any of the ifanboys read Aaron’s miniseries "The Other Side"?

  13. @MisterBlank – Josh did.

  14. Brilliant pick– brilliant book.  Really, the only truly superb book I read this week.

  15. Alright, Alright……… I’ll jump to issues. This round is yours, Flanagan.

  16. EVERYONE should read "The Other Side." Well-worthy of a future book of the month.

  17. @conor

    thanks. I figured if anybody picked it up it would have been Josh. I ask because, while i hear you guys talk about scalped all the time ever since you changed your stance on Jason as a writer, I don’t think I can recall you guys ever mentioning the other side. And as much as I LOVE Scalped, I actually liked the other side even more. One of my favorite war stories of all time.


    is it even neccessary for me to state that i agree with you? 😉

  18. @MisterBlank – Who changed their stance on Jason as a writer?

  19. This was just another issue of Scalped, it didn’t stand out from the rest. That’s not an insult, I’m saying it’s always this good.

    The Other Side was awesome too, it was like nothing I’ve ever read before. It’s the book that made me think that Scalped #1 would be worth checking out when it dropped. It’s definitely worth checking out for Scalped fans, or fans of comic books that don’t suck.

  20. @conor

    I remeber that you guys (or maybe it was just josh) weren’t all that impressed with him at first, and disssmissed him as a bad Brian Azzarello rip-off (i think it was in the vertigo video show you did). Then Josh picked up the first Scalped trade to give it a second chance and ended up loving it.

  21. @MisterBlank – It was just Josh.

  22. Yeah, that was me.  As far as the other side goes, I read the first 2-3 issues, and I didn’t really like it.  I haven’t been back, but I might some time.

  23. i bought all the issues over the last few weeks and read issues 16 and 17 Tuesday night and was thinking about how interesting the story is, then the next day it’s the pick of the week.  Suffice it to say, I am pleased to finally on track with one fo the non-super hero books you guys read.

  24. So I guess I’m the only one who picked up the first trade based on the ifanboy recommendation and didn’t like it?  That’s strange.  Other ifanboy recommedations have been great.  I’m reading Preacher and Walking Dead in trades, but Scalped…eh, I guess it’s just not for me.

  25. Month after month, this is one of the best books on the stands.  If it goes under, like so many other great comics, I will be really disappointed.  I am buying it monthly + the trades to loan out.

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