Special Edition Podcast

Talksplode #20 with Brian Wood of ‘Demo’, ‘DMZ’, ‘Northlanders’, and ‘DV8’

Show Notes

Brian Wood is stranger to the iFanboy Talksplode, but we’ve never had more to talk about than what Brian’s got going on this month.  With Demo #1 by Wood and artist Becky Cloonan coming out in comic stores yesterday, 6 years after volume 1 starts, and DMZ #50 coming out next week with an all star collection of artists, and Northlanders #25 later this month continuing the best arc of the series yet AND DV8 #1 finally coming out in April, Brian’s been a busy guy. On top of all that, he also has been working on getting the next volume of The New York Four rolling with Ryan Kelly, so we’re flattered that he found an hour to chat with us about his books.

Running Time: 01:03:59

Highlights include:

  • Brian Wood pledges a money back guarantee for people who pick up the trade for Northlanders, Vol. 3, similar to how Jason Aaron offered money back on Scalped trades.
  • How he and Becky Cloonan kept Demo from “selling out” by sticking to a black and white format with no ads.
  • What it was like to get Jim Lee, Dave Gibbons, Eduardo Risso and a ton of other artists on DMZ #50.

“Arpeggiator Demo”


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. "i’m not a politics arguer-guy"


  2. Finally got to listen… Well done interview with one of my favorite writers. Thank you

  3. it was an excellent show. i am always a little disappointed by the lack of response to these things

    but i really do enjoy them

  4. Ron, great interview – I’m interested in a couple of the stories mentioned and will be sure to check into them further after hearing you talk to Brain. 

    I’d have to admit that I’m a little gunshy right now on buying some of the Vertigo TPBs as they are starting to release some of the long running stories in HC format and woudn’t want to double dip.

  5. Hmm, went to check the trades on DV8 – looks like the only one came out in 2002 and only collects the first six issues.  Any chance they will collect the rest?

  6. Ron, Great interview with Brian.The Talksplodes are becoming one of my favorite pocasts to hear, in terms of  the thoughts of the different writers and other representatives in the comic industry. It’s totally inspiring!! I have been slowly picking up the DMZ trades, and this reminds me to constantly keep an eye out for the trades.

  7. Just listened to it for the first time, great stuff!

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