Special Edition Podcast

Special Edition – Batman and Harley Quinn

Show Notes

The iFanboy Animation Brain Trust — Conor Kilpatrick, Paul Montgomery, and Ryan Haupt — discuss the 29th DC Universe Animated Original Movie… Batman and Harley Quinn!

Running Time: 00:27:25

Harley Quinn and Batman



“Don’t Pull Your Love”
Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds


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  1. That final smash cut? A+.

  2. Guys-

    Bruce Timm was doing Vaudeville.

  3. I think people kind of forget how Timm and Dini started out in cartoon-ass cartoons. That kind of thing doesn’t exist any longer, but I can see the people from that age still want to live there from time to time.

  4. I fell asleep watching it. In fairness I’m tired, a lot. But although I wasn’t hating it I was not necessarily compelled by it.

  5. Finally got around to seeing this – and listening to your excellent podcast review – and I gotta say: I kinda loved this little movie. I appreciated the chances that Timm et al took with humor and sex, and… just plain weirdness. That roadhouse bar scene (with not one but two musical numbers!) was flatout surreal. I gotta think that Blondie song had special meaning for Timm. And speaking as someone who’s always had big problems with Harley’s connection to Joker? – I was happy that he was barely even referenced in this story, it really helped me to enjoy Harley much more. These animated movies have become pretty formulaic in my opinion so I like ones which color outside the lines, like this one.

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