Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #569 – Deathstroke #11

Show Notes

We’re a man down! Conor Kilpatrick and Ron Richards press on despite Josh Flanagan’s mysterious absence. In this dire time, we marvel at stunning art and a powerful story in the pick of the week, along with really, really good comics and some good old fashioned Bane humor. For You!

Running Time: 01:04:29

Pick of the Week:
00:01:35 – Deathstroke #11

00:11:23 – Six Pack and Dog Welder: Hard-Travelin’ Heroz #6
00:14:00 – Loose Ends #1
00:19:05 – The Flash #15
00:22:17 – Saga #42
00:27:55 – Daredevil #16
00:30:19 – Doom Patrol #4
00:33:57 – Slayer: Repentless #1
00:35:52 – Extraordinary X-Men #18
00:38:28 – Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #13

Star Wars Corner:
00:39:49 – Star Wars #27

00:42:33 – Justice League of America: Killer Frost: Rebirth #1

Patron’s Choice:
00:35:37 – The Kamandi Challenge #1

Patron Thanks:
00:51:30 – Saad Cheema
00:52:25 – Bob O’Leary
00:53:17 – Frank Davenport
00:53:44 – Sean

Audience Question:
00:55:44 – Easton from Ethiopia has got DC and Marvel movies questions.
00:58:52 – Philip wants to know the comic art frames we recommend (Answer: It’s BCEMylar).

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“Perfect Government”



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  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

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  1. Nice show, as ever. Did I hear right, six whole pages of Saga were all black, with no narrative content? If so, were they extra to the usual page count? More than one page of that and I’d flounce out! I’m not made of money!

    I hate Deathstroke, never could stand Creeper… but you may have me here.

    • There were the same amount of story pages as ever, just no letter column, which BKV already warned about in the previous issue,

  2. So many tropes- tropes on tropes.
    Was this written by an app??

    A hot Mrs. Grundy is a bridge too far.
    This is all just plain dumb and pandering.

  3. FYI, The Kamandi Challenge is a callback to the DC Challenge from the early 80s. I remember reading that back in high school when I worked at a comic shop.


  4. I actually think Didio and Giffen are a good team for Kirby stuff. Between this and OMAC, they seem to be good at channeling the totally bananas Kirby-esque creativity.

  5. Great podcast, guys 🙂 And I hope you find Josh safe and sound. I just saw “Split,” and the idea that Josh could be out there with 23 different personalities terrifies me.

    As for Killer Frost, you are correct. It was indeed during the recent JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD where she saved both of the titular teams – *and* had a large role in defeating a big bad. Building up the Killer Frost character was clearly one of the goals of this mini-event, which was actually pretty fun, more than I expected. I’ve been really down on anything Suicide Squad-related since being let down by the film. But the Squad’s characters felt more fun here.

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