Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #518 – Superman: American Alien #3

Show Notes

Ron Richards is off in the desert in the middle of nowhere and Conor Kilpatrick and Josh Flanagan might be sick for the rest of their lives. How do they keep on keeping on? Comics, my friend. Comics.

Running Time: 00:57:26

Pick of the Week:
00:02:16 – Superman: American Alien #3

Comics:Superman American Alien #3
00:09:21 – Secret Wars #9
00:16:50 – The Walking Dead #150
00:20:14 – The Mighty Thor #3
00:22:33 – Huck #3
00:25:39 – All-New Wolverine #4
00:29:37 – Citizen Jack #3
00:30:52 – New Romancer #2
00:32:20 – All-New Hawkeye #3
00:35:44 – Extraordinary X-Men #5 / All-New X-Men #3

Audience Questions:
00:40:18 – Patrick from North Carolina has a question about creators getting credit for creating.
00:43:12 – Ryan from Cincinnati, OH asks about the status of the Star Wars Blackout.
00:49:13 – Eric from Minneapolis–Saint Paul, MN has some suggestions for people looking to unload their collections.

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David Bowie


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  1. Uncanny avengers- Dugan is great but this seems like a run I can confortably skip.
    And the art-
    What’s with the costume desings – it’s like rejects from a Valiant comic.
    Is that literrally a Ffwd symbol on Quicksilver’s chest?

    Now- Secret Wars:
    It’s not just world chaning it’s All reality changing I think people forget that.
    ALL Reality. Hickman’s ego as always seems to outreach his grasp.
    When you declare you are remaking Everything, you better have a crazy detailed plan for it
    or all whimsy and right out of the gate none of it matters.
    Maybe some can forget and enjoy the bits and pieces that work, for me it taints everything.
    It simply doesn’t work as a grand opus. Was editiing involved at all in this?
    Secret Wars was Not Watchmen, this wasn’t even Civil War.
    Siege is maybe the best example of this kind of thing. It set an attainable goal- it had a moderate amount of weight that helped drive the story in individual titles and it was short enough to follow.
    The last few pages of SW had some interesting & touching moments – inventive even, if only that feeling and imagination could have been applied to the game of thrones vigorous fapping that marked the first 4 issues- yeah remember that?
    The last few issues which I enjoyed def more than the first half highlight that as a whole this was almost written as two separate styles.

    Marjorie Liu did some great stuff with X-23 first.

    Cyclops- Captain America- Hawkeye- Iron Man etc
    Now- This is Not a reaction to diversity in comics- That is a great thing and long over due.
    But it not neccesary to demonize the white male, not essential to completely deconstruct him and make him inferiror to accomplish this. We don’t have to make cap old and feeble to make Sam Wilson stonger. Hawkeye doesnt have to be a complete fuckup to illustrate that Kate Bishop is strong and capable. Iron Man doesn’t have to tell his new love interest how much smarter she is than him 5 times in on issue (and seriously?) to prove that women can be brilliant scientists too.
    But that certainly seems to be the tact Marvel is taking.

  2. Just started reading World of Krypton.

  3. I think the problem with Deadpool within Uncanny Avengers is one of over-saturation. I’ve managed to avoid this because I haven’t been reading any of the gazillion team-ups like Deadpool v Thanos, Deadpool and Spiderman, etc. Indeed, while I loved my introduction to Deadpool via Comixology volume 3 sale, I never go out of my way to read his books. So I haven’t really found myself rolling my eyes at him in this series.

    I complete agree with the podcast, too: Duggan is more than capable of writing good Deadpool. I’m loving the series.

  4. I sort of liked Cyclop’s heel turn. It showed he has balls. And I would probably turn against Prof X if he jerked me around the way X has jerked Cyclops around for nearly 50 years. I stand with Scott Summers.

    Everytime I read Huck i just think that Mark Miller should be writing Captain America or Superman. He is doing great in Image and I love starlight and Huck but both of those comics need that expert touch right now. Bendis and Aaron are great for Marvel and they are doing great stuff but I’d like to see different geniuses working with the big characters. I’d love to see an Avengers story written by Vaughn, or a Green lantern story by Brubaker.

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