Pick of the Week Podcast
Show Notes
Now Paul Montgomery is back with Josh Flanagan, but Conor Kilpatrick is traveling to places unknown (likely drunkenly). It turns out the two available hosts have many nice things to say about a great number of comic books, just before ending it with telling you what’s wrong with you, the comic book reader. Then saying something nice. It’s a good balance, actually. And the trouble with plaid!
Running Time: 01:01:44
Pick of the Week:
00:02:12 – Detective Comics #35
00:13:08 – Thor #1
00:20:25 – American Vampire: Second Cycle #5
00:25:34 – The Fade Out #2
00:31:51 – Black Widow #11
00:35:25 – Captain America #25
00:39:08 – Action Comics #35
00:42:44 – Gotham Academy #1
00:45:50 – Guardians 3000 #1
Audience Questions:
00:49:27 – Sean from Seoul, Korea wants to know what’s wrong with comic readers and what’s right with them too.
“See a Little Light”
Bob Mould
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This issue of Cap- Phew!
I thought it was a real chore to get through without any real pay off.
The ‘tricking’ of Jet was pretty contrived. And all the kibitzing about the snacks for 7 pages.
Come on.
I will say that Sam needs those wings to be Cap- or something like that.
Without the super soldier serum or even a robotic arm what other advantage would he have to be a cut above just an average really fit guy with some combat training. Captain America has to be more than that.
Maybe he can use the wings to gain speed and momentum to hit harder.
Action comics was really good this week.
It’s building.
really? I actually enjoyed CAP #25 a lot and It was my PotW. I understood what was going on and I didn’t read a single issue of Remender’s run.
I mean I know he was playing with the idea that everyone reading wasn’t going to be surprised by the events of the issue, but that’s exactly why it felt like a lot of killing time and being stuck talking to ‘that’ person at the party.
Jokey jokes.
Respect for his current run aside- as a single issue I felt it was really weak.
And even with Marvel essentially stealing the creator thunder with the announcements already a Sam Wilson Cap deserved a better and more interesting intro.
At least the last page art did that some justice.
I def agree on that. The issue would have been soo much more important and significant if MARVEL didn’t reveal who Captain America was going to be a month earlier.
Nice ‘cast guys! I too found Detective to be a great read, my pick of the week also. I was satisfied the whole way through. To me, J.P.L. is like a modern-day Mazzuchelli. Super-detailed, in a broad way; very realistic. It’s great stuff and I love his work (his covers for The Massive have been wonderful and a huge reason I pick that up monthly- came out this week by the way, and is ending soon).
Paul, you were right on with how great the book looks. Literally, every-panel is a complete picture with backgrounds and intricacies that a lot of artists leave out. His sense of design is among the best. I was very happy to have picked it up. Part of me wonders if it was actually meant to be a Legends of the Dark Knight book that they instead used as a two-part break for Manapul and Buccellatto (whose first arc was a great start to a hopefully long and prosperous run on ‘Tec).
I also really liked American Vampire this week. i thought the prose was handled very well, and was happy that I set some time aside to read it patiently this morning. Creepy book, well-illustrated, and probably would have been my POTW if the ending was handled better. I don’t want to spoil anything, but this had to have happened prior to the last issue of American Vampire (do we call it First Cycle?), so I left scratching my head. I hate to say it, but Snyder seems to be lacking in his landings lately.
Thor was surprisingly good as well. Dauterman has a nice Frank Quietely look to his work, and the action under the water was bad-ass! I was originally going to drop the book but Aaron proved he was worthy once again. You guys didn’t read his Men of Wrath? It was actually pretty good (even though I think I’ll trade-wait).
That’s all I read (I passed on Gotham Academy- so thanks for talking about it) and I thought it was a good week. Oh yeah, Chew next month looks to be show-worthy… Just saying. Thanks again for the podcast guys. Have a great week.
When I first looked up Ben Percy and saw he was a novelist I got scared that this book might be overly wordy as that seems to be the problem everyone makes when working in comics the first time (is this his first work? It’s the first I’ve seen at least). I was pleasantly surprised to find that was not the case at all and I loved this issue.
Really good point. He’s got a graphic novel out also. It wasn’t a thing at all though.
I enjoyed your responses to the pros/cons of the comics community (though I think those might extend to most ‘pop-culture niche’ communities). I think Josh’s point about over appreciation of characters and under appreciation of craft (at least among some) was right on. The depth and breadth that you guys cover w/r/t to craft is one of the best parts of the podcast and has certainly made me a more appreciative consumer. Thanks again.
Also, Paul, congrats on the Panels launch! I’m very excited to see where it goes!
If I weren’t a Previews guy I definitely wouldn’t have noticed it, so I just wanted to let Conor, Josh, (& Paul) know that Garth Ennis has a brand new volume of “War Stories” debuting this week (10/8) with a new #1 from Avatar. Let’s hope it’s as good as the Vertigo & Dynamite stuff was…