Pick of the Week Podcast
Show Notes
It’s 2019, the 19th year of iFanboy, and Josh can’t say Conan without saying Thor first. But we’re back, and very happy to be here. “It’s like a hoedown, but with comics.” Strap in, and prepare for that familiar comfort that you’ve been missing so much.
Running Time: 01:03:38
Pick of the Week:
00:03:40 – Conan The Barbarian #1
00:12:48 – Action Comics #1005
00:15:46 – Strangers in Paradise XXV #9
00:21:27 – Detective Comics #995
00:25:58 – Crowded #6
00:32:58 – Wonder Woman #61
00:35:13 – Archie 1941 #4
00:37:45 – Runaways #17
00:39:14 – Scarlet #5
Patron Pick:
00:47:14 – Conan The Barbarian #1 (Ratings!)
Patron Thanks:
00:45:51 – Heath Wolfield
00:46:58 – Luke Pearsons
00:48:14 – Andrew Norris
00:49:28 – Ken Kowalczyk
Audience Question:
00:50:50 – Steve wants to know where this mythical Hawkeye of the past can be found.
00:54:32 – Cale wants to know how we approach the order of the books discussed in the show.
Brought To You By:
• Mack Weldon – Mack Weldon makes fantastic premium men’s underwear and essentials. Go to MackWeldon.com and get 20% off your first order using promo code IFANBOY
• iFanboy Patrons – Become one today for as little as $3/month! Or make a one time donation of any amount!
• iFanboy T-Shirts and Merch – Show your iFanboy pride with a t-shirt or other great merchandise on Threadless! We’ve got seven designs!
“On An Edge”
Cloud Nothings
Get Involved
Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:
- E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.
Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!
Nice kick off to 2019 dudes!
And just to let you know, I’ve been to a hoedown, and this podcast is nothing like a hoedown….
… it’s more like a “hootenanny”. 😉
Totally agree about Alfred. We know he has fencing training, they could at least let him put up a fight. Drop some fencing knowledge and bolster the character, maybe he parries 4 with his hand as a reaction.
I keep dreaming of an Alfred mini-series but I guess we recently had a back-up story to that effect.
Hey guys been a listener for the last few years but I barely post in comments. So I guess starting with the first new Podcast of the New Year I want to try to start changing that and also post some stuff here that I feel I should’ve posted earlier on.
First off, Ryan Haupt, it’s Thomas. It was nice meeting you at the science presentation at the Carnegie Institute. I was able to see Spider-Verse (in 4DX at Gallery Place no less), it might now be my all time favorite superhero film (Ultimate Spider-Man is my favorite series though so I might be biased, lol).
It was interesting to hear Kieron Gillen talk about being into 40K, I don’t here usually here about that stuff in comic book communities. It was also interesting to hear Joshua Williamson talk about actually liking to write twice monthly comics, considering how I also here how some fans get concerned about some creators spreading themselves too thin.
And guys I gotta say I massively disagree with your comments on things like not wanting to see Daredevil explaining the status quo change up. Admittedly I’m new to being really into comics (only started reading non-Ultimate Marvel stuff around 5 years ago) but a major turn off for me and others is when things change super hard for characters/stories we like without any kind of transition i.e. going from Gerry Duggan’s Doc Green Hulk to Greg Pak’s Totally Awesome (which especially hurt cause I usually like Greg Pak). Don’t know if anyone else had raised that viewpoint around here so I just wanted to express that.
But anyways cheers to you guys and to the almost 20th year of iFanboy
Not sure where I would post the random question, so will throw it out here and see what I get: I finally have some time to delve back into the back issues of some great series and need some help. Guardians I am good, but I also want to dive into Thunderbolts which I have never read but have heard y’all rave about years ago. If one were to jump in at a random point, what run of 12-24 issues would you recommend to get a great sense of how good the series was? Looking for a reco, thanks!