Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #115 – The Spirit #12

Show Notes

This week’s iFanboy Pick of the Week is sponsored by Jim Hanley’s Universe, NetFlix, and FooComics.com!

Running Time: 00:59:56

Pick of the Week:
00:01:58 – In a week full of great comics, Conor chose The Spirit #12 as his Pick of the Week.

00:09:53 – Green Arrow and Black Canary #4 made one of the iFanboys weep.
00:16:20 – Teen Titans: The Lost Annual #1 was the craziest comic book Conor has read in years.
00:22:01 – With X-Factor #27, Conor would now really like something to happen.
00:26:08 – Josh and Ron took a chance on Youngblood #1.
00:34:38 – Ron might be the only person left who cares about Onslaught Reborn #5.
00:37:00 – Scalped #13 brought more grizzled goodness.
00:40:20 – With Nightwing #140 Conor says that Nightwing is back!
00:41:17 – Josh was loving the flashbacky goodness in B.P.R.D.: 1946 #1.
00:42:21 – The Mighty Avengers #7 is pretty much irrelevant.
00:44:36 – The best thing about Hulk #1? More Doc Samson!
00:47:16 – Apparently, something important happened in The Amazing Spider-Man #546.

“Someone Great”
LCD Soundsystem

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