Special Edition Podcast
Show Notes
Last week, we started a little bit of a fire by pointing people to Augie De Blieck Jr.’s column about how he would fix Wizard Magazine. Well, this week, Augie’s latest column clarifies a few things and expands on his thoughts, and well we couldn’t let this one go. So we jumped on Skype and recorded a show to discuss it AND challenge Wizard to step up and chat with us…
Running Time: 00:26:35
You have to admit, the man makes some sense and it’s not all about the hating, rather it’s about what could be…
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- E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.
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I just started this cast and its already my favorite ever.
Reason: Meatloaf FTW
Extra podcast? Christmas comes early!
Great ‘cast. I might read Wizard if Augie were in charge, or Ron–heck why not ifanboy, the magazine?!
I’ve never read or looked at or seen an issue of this Wazard mag. So I can’t really have an opinion, but I sure can type.
Don’t give him any ideas, Steve. But thanks for the support.
You see Ron!! I talked to you in the past about doing an ifanboy magazine….The unwashed masses of comic fans desire it! You can’t look away any longer.
Although a magazine is prolly out of the question, a monthly email newsletter might be possible and may even be knida cool 🙂
You guys have said that Wizard has more recently been going down the gutters. Honestly, I’m not sure it was ever that great of a publication. I bought it in my grade school years, then dropped comics and picked up card games and Inquest. I remember distinctly noticing the difference in content and humor, despite them both being from the same company. I picked up the Mighty Avengers preview issue a little while back and it just confirmed that the mag hasn’t grown past any of that; it just supplemented sub-par comic coverage with sub-par geek culture coverage.
And what’s really sad is that Wizard is our spokesperson as comic readers to the general public. It’s the most visible publication, and it just confirms a lot of their presumptions.
And what’s really sad is that Wizard is our spokesperson as comic readers to the general public. It’s the most visible publication, and it just confirms a lot of their presumptions.
That’s my biggest problem with it.
Wizard being the most visible face of comics fandom would be a problem if newsstand browsers could tell it was a comics magazine. From looking at the cover, you’d never know that. I say this as someone who has only judged Wizard by its cover.
So there’s some good news for you. Casual viewers who don’t know what Wizard is see it and go, “Hey, Jessica Alba, hubba hubba and so on… (thumbs through) hey… what the hell is this? This isn’t Jessica Alba pictures; it’s drawings of Batman and poop jokes. (drops; scans rack for ‘Stuff’)”
I just don’t… I mean… why does Wizard exist? Is the internet closing? What is in Wizard that I didn’t see ten minutes after it happened on the seventy squadillion comics web sites in my RSS feed?
I’ve read Wizard since day one and I don’t think it’s all that different than it’s ever been. That may be the big problem. It looks like it’s actually making an effort to chase older readers, who have grown past it. I wish they’d dump the price guide.
I still buy Wizard every month and i could do without the crappy humour but i dont want it to turn into an indy book.
Darrel – It doesn’t have to turn into an indy book. Yes, it needs to expand its scope a little bit, but my vision for WIZARD is that it’ll still be largely focused on Marvel and DC, but with a more mature feel to it. Less pandering, less juvenile crap. More interesting interviews, overviews, and reviews. And, no, you wouldn’t need a degree in literary arts to understand any of it.
Now thats the Wizard I want to read every month but i think it will have to be on the verge of cancelation to get those hard heads out of the way so that real concrete changes can be made.
I’m mostly disappointed with how creepy some of the authors have become, and their infantile logic. A recent “movie spectacular” discussed a tattoo on the lower back of Smallville’s Lana Lang, and quoted Wedding Crashers, saying “Might as well be a bullseye!” That type of writing is too pervy for anyone over 15 years old (I hope). Elsewhere, they claimed that the new Hulk film *shouldn’t* hire an unknown actor, because it *needs* an “Everyman”, so they suggested Russell Crowe. Did I miss the memo that the definition of “Everyman” now means its exact opposite? Don’t even get me started on the
As dull and uninteresting as Wizard may currently be, it could only become MORE dull and uninteresting with someone as dull and uninteresting as Augie at the helm. (That podcast was a total snoozefest… and a bad idea.)
or darryl will make a skin suit out of you
I just spit out my water…
it puts the lotion on