Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #427 – Batman #29

Show Notes

With Josh Flanagan off on paternity leave, Paul Montgomery and Conor Kilpatrick tag in Ali Colluccio to discuss the best of the week in comics, dirigibles, grim-dark nihilism, and scotchy scotch scotch.

Total Running Time: 00:59:46

Pick of the Week:
00:02:52 – Batman #29

00:12:15 – Stray Bullets: Killers #1
00:17:34 – Captain Marvel #1
00:20:55 – Superman / Wonder Woman #6
00:27:28 – Secret Avengers #1
00:34:09 – The Royals: The Masters of War #2
00:36:35 – Hawkeye #17
00:40:19 – Avengers Undercover #1
00:43:17 – Nightwing #29
00:45:00 – Powerpuff Girls #7

Audience Question
00:49:09 – Kyle from Winnipeg, Canada is baffled by some comic fans’ reaction to animated adaptations designed for young audiences.

“World Goes Wild”
Above Envy




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  1. Looking forward to the podcast as always. I wondered if you’d seen or read the Dark Horse comic, Beasts of Burden by Evan Dorkin? The cover has a bunch of dogs on it, but not what it appears.

  2. I didn’t pick Batman this week, simply b/c I was getting burned out on the horror angle and imagery with this Batman run.
    I’ve just been wanting a new theme and the cover didn’t promise that.
    Although after listening to you all discuss the issue I am def going to pick it up.

  3. Conor – interesting comment on Secret Avengers in it being “too precious”
    That is exactly how I felt about Captain Marvel.
    While I enjoyed the frame work of the story quite a bit, all the “amIRite” and “all the feels” phrasing
    just takes me out of it.
    I feel like I am reading Stan Lee trying to write beatnicks in the original X-men coffee shop.
    It just feels instantly dated and trying too hard.
    Anyone know what I mean?

  4. Hey, congrats Josh!!

    Ali, do you have a favorite whisky? Mark me down for Laphroaig.

  5. I’m with Ali, this issue made me furious. I was so excited to pick this up considering how the last one ended. I didn’t even skim it at the store because I was desperate to know what happened to the Barton brothers. To do ANOTHER issue involving dogs is just irritating, the pizza dog issue was good but enough. We get it. I can’t believe I have to wait another two issues to find out what happened. I certainly won’t be picking the next one up, the Kate as PI stories are lame and are an unwelcoming distraction from the main story. Hasn’t this Bro story gone on for like two years? Wrap it up and move on I’ve got a feeling that without Wacker editing this book it’s the begging of the end. You gotta wonder why Fraction is messing up the book that basically saved his career. Christmas stories coming out in mid March suck too, I don’t care what anyone says, no one is in the spirit for them

  6. NIce to see you guys are enjoying Zero Year, but I’m not liking it at all. It’s just simply boring even when there is action. I don’t feel connected with the story in any way. This whole arc just feels unnecessary,
    MY pick of the wek would have been Superior Foes of Spiderman or Batgirl. Foes is just hilarious and this week’s issue was brilliant.

  7. I enjoyed Stray Bullets; I am going to pick up the compendium of the initial run shortly…although pessimistic, I enjoy books that that are not predictable and milquetoast as the majority of the superhero titles coming out not…

  8. Ali was a great guest presenter. I’d love to see her back again if the chance arises.

    Hawkeye was a very poor issue this week. The message was a little too on the nose and heavy-handed and had me bored after about 4 pages of the book. It added nothing to the character that we haven’t already learned earlier in the series. Add to that a “kiddy-style” artist that’s been done to death of late that didn’t help. A pure filler issue.

  9. Ha, looks like someone loved the debut of Adam Rose on NXT!

  10. I’m another Hawkeye holdout, finding the latest issue a self-indulgent borefest. i wish the book would just go quarterly, like the old Ms Tree book at DC, and give us the story in big chunks. Enough with the side-stories and gimmicks and lazy-art annuals.

    I loved Captain Marvel, despite not being keen on her having a space sojourn, but had mixed feelings on Secret Avengers – some good stuff in there, but I’d rather Ales Kot used his own voice rather than Matt Fraction’s. And the cover was beyond awful.

    Congrats, again, to Josh and the family, and thanks to Ali for holding the fort – may we have more of Ms C please?

  11. Ali did a good job, like to hear her review more sometime.

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