Special Edition Podcast

Make Comics #35 – Comic Book Art Training and Education

Show Notes

If you want to be a comic book artist, there are a lot of paths to take, but when it comes to education for comic book artists, there’s no clear route. There are several kinds of educations available, specialty programs, and specific courses, as well as a healthy number of self-taught prodigies. In Andy Schmidt’s experience as an editor, he talks about what he’s seen and looks for in artistic training, and what the important things to learn are.

Running Time: 00:23:25

Take note! The Make Comics Podcast has moved to its own feed, which you can subscribe to in iTunes, or here manually.

Andy Schmidt is the founder of the online comic book school Comics Experience, as well as a former editor at Marvel Comics and IDW Publishing. Josh Flanagan has been working on iFanboy.com, talking, reviewing, and thinking about comics for over a decade, as well as writing and creating some of his own.

If you’re interested in going further, you can check out Comics Experience, where there are plenty of classes available in all the disciplines of comic book creation from writing to drawing to coloring to lettering.

Got a question for the podcast? Send it to info@comicsexperience.com and put “MAKE COMICS PODCAST” in the subject line!

“Charm School”
Elvis Costello and the Attractions


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Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

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  1. Great episode!

    I totally agree with the notion of making Life Drawing an essential part of study for any artist. For the past 4 months, I’ve been involved with such a class and it’s amazing the difference it can make.

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