Special Edition Podcast

Booksplode #22 – The Other Side: Special Edition

Show Notes

Thanks to our awesome Patrons, we’re proud to present another Booksplode!

What’s a Booksplode you might ask? It’s a bi-monthly special edition show in which we take a look at a single graphic novel or collected edition, something we really just don’t have time to do on the regular show.

This month, Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick take a look at the new special edition hardcover re-release of The Other Side by Jason Aaron, Cameron Stewart, & Dave McCaig!

Running Time: 00:25:10


“For What It’s Worth”
Buffalo Springfield


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  1. I’m so confused. I was sure that I was turned onto the Other Side originally by you guys. Did Ron like it or something? Anyway, great discussion but I do remember liking it more than you seem to. Interesting point about it not being published these days, though, because even though it’s still on my to read list, isn’t Tom King’s Sheriff of Babylon an even harder sell? But that was published by an equally unknown talent and is, last time I heard, still getting a sequel. I think you guys are being just a wee bit pessimistic here.

    On the other hand, if there is one sort of comic not being published anymore, it’s those early Vertigo classics. I’m in the middle of reading/ re-reading Shade: The Changing Man (I only read a section of it before) and loving it, I realized that something like it, Sandman and Swamp Thing just feel completely different from anything that the major companies seem to be putting out. There’s a literary quality to them that seems absent in today’s much more cinematic comics industry.

    • I think their argument was that war books of a purely historical nature are a dying breed, hence the references to Garth Ennis and REBELS. Sherrif of Babylon is not purely historical fiction. Also, Tom may be getting a sequel so that DC can keep him happy and give him something to do besides Bat-books.

    • Also, DC could — and did — sell THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON with “Former CIA agent writes comic book about the war in Iraq.” There was a marketing hook there.

  2. I don’t think I ever finished reading this, but it was pretty stellar. Maybe it’s time to revisit it.

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