Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #295 – Venom #5

Show Notes

Recovering from the San Diego Comic-Con, Josh Flanagan, Conor Kilpatrick, and Ron Richards have strained voices but that doesn’t stop them from wondering how Bruce Wayne gets away with all those wards and then they get distracted by Serpentor. Again.

Running Time: 01:01:05

Pick of the Week:
00:01:25 – The combined art and character study of Venom #5 made Ron’s Pick of the Week an easy decision.

00:10:30 – Also from Remender, Uncanny X-Force #12 gave Ron several “daaaamn” moments.
00:13:45 – Conor and Ron continue to be impressed by Criminal: The Last of the Innocent #2.
00:16:30 – Josh gives the creepiest page turn of the year to Detective Comics #880.
00:21:16 – Conor’s Pick was Captain America & Bucky #620 and everyone raves about the art.
00:24:50 – Building off the acclaimed one-shot, Ron and Josh gave The Cape #1 from IDW a read.
00:28:33 – Ron still loved the story of X-Men: Schism #2. The art, not so much.
00:31:20 – Fables #107 featured Terry Moore on art, but it didn’t wow Josh.
00:32:22 – Conor and Ron REALLY LOVED the DC Retroactive – ’70s: Green Lantern and Justice League of America one shots.
00:36:01 – We’re starting to see the next chapter of Invincible begin here in Invincible #81.
00:37:08 – Secret Avengers #15 asks some good questions.
00:39:36 – The magic has faded a little bit for Josh in Cobra #3, but it leads to… Serpentor!

User Reviews:
00:46:18 – The Top 5 Community Picks of the Week.
00:47:03 – JudgmentalSteve passed judgement on the series finale of Secret Warriors #28.
00:48:56 – Keith7198 condemns Flashpoint: Hal Jordan #2.

00:52:16 – Neeks is curious about Doctor Strange.

Voice Mail:
00:54:50 – Dave from Washington D.C., wants to fly just like cartoon Nick Fury.

Brought to You By:
Graphicly – Over 3,000 comics from Marvel, Archaia, BOOM!, Top Cow, Archie and more ready to download right now!

“Queen of Hearts”
Fucked Up


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  1. iFanboy, Greatest Comic Book Podcast That Will Ever exist.

  2. Great Doctor Strange stories you may not have thought about:
    * The infinity Gauntlet: The Doc is a MAJOR character in this crossover.
    * Doctor Strange: The flight of bones 1-4 (not collected. Marvel get on that): Tony Harris did the first 2 issues but did not finish (and probably the reason that this book is not collected)
    * Doctor STrange from the vault one shot: Brilliant one shot issue that tells you why this character is a GREAT character
    *  Marvel Masterpieces: Doctor Strange Vol 1 and 2: STEVE DITKO Dr.Strange. Gorgeous art and really shows how a story can be told over 8 pages.

  3. Love the show and love the song selection!

  4. Thanks for answering my question guys! Keep up the good work love the show, and thanks for the additional info @g0ofgnewt i will check some of that stuff out

  5. @Neeks  No problems mate. I’m a huge Dr.Strange fan

  6. Oh and I forgot Dr.Strange/Doctor Doom: Triumph and Terror. Mike Mignola art!

  7. Torment not terror (oh to have an edit function…)

  8. “How was the podcast?” “It was great, Josh was naming people who committed genocide of the top of his head.”

    And Ron, in the early days the sentiment was, “Swear away, it’s the fucking internet.” Now you’re apologizing in case there’s kids listening. I did not agree to download a podcast with standards.

    On a serious note, whenever you guys get a “What’s the deal with ____” question, you should really direct people to the awesome “Where Do I Start?” series Chris Arrant has been doing for you guys. There’s a Dr. Strange one here.

  9. @ABirdseysView  We’re growing respectable in our old age.

    Also, I was thinking of Chris’ articles, but I honestly didn’t think he’d done Strange. Sometimes I lose track myself.

  10. @josh  Although in your defence it does not make your answer any less valid.

  11. you know, it’s sounds like you’re saying Sir Pentor, not Serpentor. Sir Pentor is proberly a nice dude

  12. @edward  Sir Pentor sounds like he hangs out in the club with Wooster, drinking and playing darts in a Whodehouse story.

  13. I have to repeat myself here and say that it’s about time Venom started getting the recognition it deserves.

  14. Another great show, Venom seems to have passed me by but I’ll be sure to check out issue #5
    Also, gotta love the song selection of Fucked Up this week!!

  15. Never seen G.I. Joe in my life, but I was crying with laughter during that segment.

  16. In case anyone really needs it.


    Watch this video right now. THIS. I COMMAND.

  17. @Latimagic  Man is he a bossy f*ck. That’s gotta get old.

  18. @kennyq I imagine he’s kind of a dick during the company softball games, but they like him because he plays a good LF and hits doubles.

  19. I just don’t get Ron & Conor’s disapproval of Mark Brooks on X-Force, i think he’s awesome!

  20. But they love Jock, and Jock just looks like scribble-scrabble to me. ( sigh ) To each his own. lol

  21. I have to wonder if Rememender has actually read Age of Apocaplypse.
    Yes it’s an alternative universe but the one he’s portraying is Not AoA.

    Orange Hulk- Iron Ghost?  AoA had different versions of 616 characters but they were slightly different or never took on their traditional roles for Tony Stark died in the early restance never really becoming Iron Man or anything like it-
    These new characters here look more like Amalgam comics than AoA.

  22. Amazing how opinions differ. Connor mentioned the thing dragged the book down was the art. I LOVE Mark Brooks’ art and think the book took a step up when he came aboard.

    Just my take.

  23. @Latimagic AWESOME!!!

  24. and Serpentor. SIGH!

    One of the greatest moments in comics – when Zartan put that amazing long range arrow right in Serpentor’s face!

  25. By the way, Thanks for using my review guys! Awesome.

  26. Hey just thought I would mention, that zombie sentry is actually not a new idea, in the marvel zombies series, the plague is spread to that world by a zombie sentry.

    I haven’t read this issue of xfactor yet, but I woul dbe more curious if his zombie-ism is contagious or not. If so how is it contained?

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