Special Edition Podcast

Special Edition – Interview with Paul Cornell

Show Notes

Josh Flanagan and Conor Kilpatrick sat down with Paul Cornell, writer of Marvel’s Wisdom, Captain Britain and MI13 and the upcoming Fantastic Four: True Story, as well as countless novels and television projects. We talk about his work with Marvel, Doctor Who, among other things, and generally have a good time.

Running Time:  00:51:45



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  1. I really enjoyed this. Fantastic interview, mr. cornell seems like a real class act. really looking forward to FF: true story and whatever mr. cornell has planned in the future. 

  2. Well, there’s another one to add to the list. What a fantastic interview!

  3. Mr Cornell’s Doctor Who episode (Father’s Day) makes me cry man tears very time it’s on!

    I have already firmly berated him about this at the Birmingham UK Convention.

  4. This was a lot of fun to listen to. I can’t remember if it was mentioned or not but is Mr. Cornell attending the Comic-con?

  5. This is great. It’s great to know that pro’s listen to the podcast as well. He was real informed with the show. Hopefully we can get a second part to this after his FF and Cap Britain stories.

  6. @Haupt Welcome back!  Good to see you.  But no, he won’t be going to San Diego.  He was at New York, but it was before any of his current work was published.  And he ditched our party to go to the Marvel party.  Whatever Paul, whatever….

    No.  We love Paul, and yes, when there’s more to talk about, I’m sure we’ll chat with him again.

  7. @josh – Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been really bad about getting in touch with various folks so it’s been a staggered homecoming across the board. At least we’ll have each other in San Diego, right?

  8. As ever, a lovely interview and lots of fun.

     Cornell’s episode "Father’s Day" really is a great Dr. Who Episode from season 1 (2005); He also did another Dr. Who favorite of mine in Season 3 (2007) – the two parter "Human Nature" (part 1) and "Family of Blood" (Part 2) in which the Doctor gives himself amnesia to hide from some aliens in 1914 with his companion the only one who knows who he is. All of which won Hugo Awards. 

     If you want to check out Doctor Who, but feel intimidated by the continuity, just start with the new series that Russell T Davies restarted in 2005 starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. The intent was always to make it accessible to new viewers and old viewers alike, including a reintroduction (and wonderful rediscovery) as to why the police box is bigger on the inside than the outside. Watching the "making of" episodes they do (Doctor Who Confidential), you can see the whole cast and crew brings the same sense and love of the material as Paul Cornell does to his own work. Each season (4 so far) are about 12-13 40 minute episodes. The function of the companions who ride along with the Doctor are a lot like Neo to Morpheus in the first Matrix movie as a way to deal with explaining things – The Doctor says something strange, his companion (some normal earth person who rides along on his travels through time and space) says "Huh?" the Doctor explains a bit, then says, "Run!" and off they go running down a corridor as the aliens attack. Wonderful. Lots of running down corridors, explaining as they go, action packed, very British. Casting of Doctor and companions in the show’s relaunch has been younger, sexier and cooler to appeal to a modern audience. If you like Captain Britain and Mi13, you’ll probably love Doctor Who.

    Again, lovely interview. You guys do really great interviews! Hope to hear even more in the future! 

  9. Just listened to this.

    Another great job guys and Paul sounds like a really cool guy.

    I’m really going to have to give this Captain Britain thing a shot, aren’t I?

  10. Great interview. I so glad you guys got to do this. I hope Captain Britain manages to get a good run in and I hope Paul Cornell sticks around in comics for long time.

    Anyway, I hope to see more interviews from you fellows. You do always do a fine job.

  11. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    This was awesome.  Whenever Paul said he was talking too much I wanted to scream, "No, no, keep going!" at my iPod.  Always a thrill to hear a fellow writer talking about their love for the writing life. Whenever I see his name on anything, I’ll be picking it up. That starts with the existing issues of Captain Britain at the shop this week.  

  12. I really enjoyed the interview and I am digging Mr Cornells work. I can say after two issues so far of Capt Britian & MI:13 it really has an 2000AD feel to it. It is like 2000AD doing Marvel Superheros. Which is in my opinion, AWESOME!

  13. If you want to hear more of Paul’s charming burblings, then he did a great interview a couple of month’s ago with UK podcasters Geek Syndicate (the interview covers Dr Who & Capt Britain) :-


    Also worth checking out his story ‘XTNCT’ in 2000AD.


  14. the dude looks like christopher guest

  15. I’ve been umming and arring about picking up a captain britain trade… and this has totally sold me on the idea. espicailly the mention of Dan Dare and kingvyper‘s comparison with 2000AD. I’m not a marvel person generally, but if this is anything like either of these, and if this really is a captain america for us brits then i’m definitely on board. it really sounds like Paul get’s the subtle cultural differences between US and UK. When American’s write england it’s very often stilited or cliched, the dialogue a jumble of accents that can knock you out of the story. Paul seems to have a grasp on that whimsical, repressed, slightly melancholic side of britishness, a sort of quiet sadness underlying the surreal and the daft. I’m really looking forward to getting into this, and of course to Knight and Squire too.

  16. woops – didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but you get the idea.

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