Comic Books
Veteran X-scribe Mike Carey wraps up his five-year run on X-MEN: LEGACY with a story that marks the end of an era!
In the aftermath of SCHISM, the X-Men are divided. Magneto has chosen to stay with Cyclops on Utopia. Gambit has chosen to follow Wolverine to Westchester. And now Rogue must decide who she is going to follow…
Story by Mike CareyArt by Khoi Pham
Cover by Clay Mann
Price: $2.99
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While the second half of Carey’s run was kind of fluid in its focus, it can’t be denied that for his entire run, he had some of the best character-centric X-stories. Not only that, but he truly created the definitive Rogue run of issues, since good X-issues featuring her were spotty at best.
Carey’s time on this series will be sorely missed by me. It’s something I really took for granted, since the second half of his run was very understated. Like I mentioned before, I always thought that the overall structure of the book’s direction was lacking, but one thing that made me appreciate this series was that it did indeed focus on a small group of core characters as the other series progressed. It really helped build them up into stronger characters (Rogue, especially) so that the next writer will have a solid platform to launch on.
I fully agree with this. Carey’s run on this book has to be on the short list of the best X-Men runs. This book can definitely be considered a “Rogue” book even when she wasn’t the focus and he really made her, Xaviar, and even Gambit and Frenzy a little more focused then they had been in rescent years. I really will miss him not matter how uneven the last year or so it has been.
Plus, I have to say his original team that included Rogue, Cable, Cannonball, Iceman, Mystique, and Sabertooth had to be one of the most interesting combinations in any X-Men roster.
That original team was so superb. Shame it had to come to a close after Messiah Complex.
Kudos to Carey. A run this long is rare these days and he did some really good stuff on this book. It’s hard to believe it’s been going on this long.