Comic Books



Locked in psychic combat with an extraterrestrial opponent who far outclasses her, and trapped on a space station that’s hurtling toward an exploding sun, Marvel Girl finds herself in dire straits. With the lives of the station’s inhabitants and her teammates on the line, just how far will she go to win the day?

Story by Mike Carey
Art by Steve Kurth & Ed Tadeo
Colors by Brian Reber
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Mico Suayan & Sonia Oback

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. So glad this is over, this arc was an issue or two too long. Get these folks home!

  2. nah this arc was great, ill miss Carey

  3. I’ve been enjoying this but I’m glad it’s over, can’t wait for Havok and Polaris to be in X-Factor.

  4. Is this Carey’s last issue? He’s been on the book since the 180’s and you just don’t get runs that long anymore. If it is his last, kudos to him, it was a good run. There were ups and downs certainly, but overall it’s been pretty enjoyable.

  5. Carey’s final issue is #260

  6. I’m glad that most of you seemed to enjoy Carey. I was lukewarm on him which caused me to drop the title and return to this book several times during his run. Which is sad because up until Carey came on I had a solid run of this book. Oh, well.

    He does deserve props for staying on this book for that long of a run though, even it wasn’t really my thing.

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