Comic Books



When Rogue, Magneto and Gambit jumped into space on an intergalactic search and rescue mission, they had no idea that it would land them in the middle of an extraterrestrial war! And to make matters worse, the space station that serves as the battlefield for the conflict is slowly falling into a collapsing star. With time running out and the lives of Havok, Polaris and Marvel Girl on the line, these X-Men are in for a bumpy ride…

Story by Mike Carey
Art by Steve Kurth, Craig Yeung & Jay Leisten
Colors by Brian Reber
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Mico Suayan & Sonia Oback

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.2
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  1. Hey solicit people, why no Frenzy love? The fact that Carey has made her a great character is a big reason I have renewed interest in this title (at least until Carey wraps up in six months or whatever it is). I loved last issue, most fun I have had with the X-Men in space in a long time.

  2. Aaaaaaaw yeaaah! X-men in Space!

    …I’m in!

  3. Been over two years since Havok, Polaris, and Rachel have been in a X-Men title (X-Men: Kingbreaker). About five years since they’ve been back on Earth. It will be good to have the back.

  4. Does any one know who’s taking over this when carey leaves?

  5. Damn, last issue was a lotta fun, but I just can’t afford this lil’ guy when so much is coming out across the street. Dropped for now, sad to say.

  6. so boring.

  7. Beautiful cover — utterly forgetable story and art. Wouldn’t have bothered if it wasn’t for Havok and Polaris. Thankfully, they’ll be in X-Factor soon.

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